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Scout Dental Health Program


Dental Health Awareness Scout Program

toothTan Orthodontics invites Cub Scout or Girl Scout troops with children ages 6-10 years of age to schedule a visit to our office for a tour and presentation to increase dental health awareness. This field trip will be educational and fun! All participants will receive a complimentary dental health goodie bag, and the opportunity to earn a dental health certificate and patch.

Step 1 - Schedule a time for your troop to visit Tan Orthodontics for a tour of the office and a dental health presentation that covers:

  • The importance of brushing and flossing your teeth
  • Why nutrition is important to teeth
  • When and why you should schedule check-ups with a dentist and orthodontist

Step 2 - Earn your patch when you:

  • Book a complimentary exam with Dr. Tan to evaluate the health and spacing of your teeth and bite


Complete each of the following activities:

  • Fill out the provided weekly brushing and flossing chart
  • List 10 healthy foods that are great for your teeth
  • List five signs that can show a person's bite is not right (review handout for answers)

scoutsStep 3 - Receive your patch when you:

Come in for your appointment with Dr. Tan


Turn in your completed activity sheets to Tan Orthodontics

Contact Susan Ross at or 530-662-5240 for questions or to schedule your troop's visit to Tan Orthodontics.